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For Whom the Bell Tolls by Ernest Hemingway

   For Whom the Bell Tolls by Ernest Hemingway 1) Critical Analysis of the end of the novel "For Whom the Bell Tolls". The ending of "For Whom the Bell Tolls" is one of the most powerful and poignant conclusions of Robert Jordan's journey as he lies helpless and cannot carry on with the group. Instead, he prefers to stay back so that the rest of them may escape safely. This sacrifice speaks of his selflessness and dedication to the cause of Republicans. Hemingway leaves the ending open for the reader and focuses on the thoughts of Jordan as he awaits his final moment. This creates an ambiguity of ending, where uncertainty and existentialism are emphasized themes. Jordan accepting death and calm preparation reflect the philosophy of Hemingway for grace under pressure. The novel ends with the determination of Jordan to use the last moments meaningfully, such as delaying the enemy and saving friends. This aligns with the book's exploration of individual sacrifi...

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