This blog is an assignment given by Dr. Dilip Sir Barad. It is about Indian Poetics, specifically the unit taught by Vinod Sir Joshi.
Dhvani Sampradaya:
- First of all, Sir said, 'To put it specifically, its name is sound.'
"Sound is the soul of poetry."
-Anand Vardhan
विभाति लावण्यं इवाङ्गनासु
-The sound is as beautiful as the elegance of the organ.
Emotions (Bhava) > Interest (Rasa)
Language (Bhasha) > Sound(Dhvani)
1. Abhidha (Denotation)
2. Lakshana (Implication)
3. Vyanjana (Suggestion)
-These are the three shbdshkti
1. Abhidha (Denotation) – The direct or primary meaning of a word.
2. Lakshana (Implication) – When the direct meaning does not make sense, we derive an implied meaning.
3. Vyanjana (Suggestion) – Even when the direct meaning is clear, an additional suggested meaning emerges.
1. Vastu Dhvani (Conceptual Suggestion)
2. Alankara Dhvani (Figurative Suggestion)
3. Rasa Dhvani (Emotional Suggestion)
-Language is mundane but experience is supernatural.
"Sound is both mundane and supernatural"
-Anand Vardhan
-We can only feel the interest.
-Language is the medium, what we feel is the interest. - -Anand Vardhan
शब्दार्थौ सहितौ वक्रः काव्यव्यापारशालिनी।
बन्धे व्यवस्थितं काव्यं तद्विदाह्लादकारिणी॥
वेदाग्ध्यभङ्गी भाणिति|
Six Types of Vakrokti (Stylistic Deviation)
1. Varṇavinyāsa Vakratā
2. Padapūrvardha Vakratā
3. Padapara Vakratā
4. Vākya Vakratā
5. Prakaraṇa Vakratā
6. Prabandha Vakratā
Riti (Style): Vaman
- Riti refers to the distinct styles that each poet or work may possess.
Ramaniyata Sampraday – Jagannatha :
- Jagannatha, in his famous work "Rasgangadhar," discusses the concept of Ramaniyata (aesthetic beauty).
रमणीयार्थप्रतिपादकः शब्दः काव्यम्।
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