
Saturday, February 8, 2025

Indian poetics

 This blog is an assignment given by Dr. Dilip Sir Barad. It is about Indian Poetics, specifically the unit taught by Vinod Sir Joshi.

Dhvani Sampradaya: 

- First of all, Sir said, 'To put it specifically, its name is sound.'

   "Sound is the soul of poetry."
                                       -Anand Vardhan

        विभाति लावण्यं इवाङ्गनासु

-The sound is as beautiful as the elegance of the organ.

Emotions (Bhava) > Interest (Rasa)

Language (Bhasha) > Sound(Dhvani)

1. Abhidha (Denotation)
2. Lakshana (Implication)
3. Vyanjana (Suggestion)

-These are the three shbdshkti

1. Abhidha (Denotation) – The direct or primary meaning of a word. 

2. Lakshana (Implication) – When the direct meaning does not make sense, we derive an implied meaning.

3. Vyanjana (Suggestion) – Even when the direct meaning is clear, an additional suggested meaning emerges. 

1. Vastu Dhvani (Conceptual Suggestion)
2. Alankara Dhvani (Figurative Suggestion)
3. Rasa Dhvani (Emotional Suggestion)

-Language is mundane but experience is supernatural.

"Sound is both mundane and supernatural"
                                       -Anand Vardhan

-We can only feel the interest.
-Language is the medium, what we feel is the interest. -  -Anand Vardhan

शब्दार्थौ सहितौ वक्रः काव्यव्यापारशालिनी।
बन्धे व्यवस्थितं काव्यं तद्विदाह्लादकारिणी॥

वेदाग्ध्यभङ्गी भाणिति|

Six Types of Vakrokti (Stylistic Deviation)

1. Varṇavinyāsa Vakratā
2. Padapūrvardha Vakratā
3. Padapara Vakratā
4. Vākya Vakratā
5. Prakaraṇa Vakratā
6. Prabandha Vakratā

Riti (Style): Vaman

- Riti refers to the distinct styles that each poet or work may possess. 

Ramaniyata Sampraday – Jagannatha :

- Jagannatha, in his famous work "Rasgangadhar," discusses the concept of Ramaniyata (aesthetic beauty).

रमणीयार्थप्रतिपादकः शब्दः काव्यम्।

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